Eager to know the value of a business entity? Enter required data. Using the information you provide, our system, which takes into account as many as seven valuation methods, will calculate the value of the company and prepare a report. Finally you will know the real value of the business!
Do you have a Financial Statement that you would like to use as a basis for calculations?
Upload financial statement
General data
On which date the valuation is to be prepared. The valuation date cannot be earlier than the balance sheet date.
Financial Data
Balance sheet date - year and month
Balance sheet value. Enter the exact value
Date of profit and loss account - beginning
Value from the profit and loss account. Enter the exact value
Data for the DCF income method
Values necessary for the DCF income approach valuation.
Enter the exact value
or enter the data for the calculation of FCFE

Evaluate business value and generate report

The data entered by you will be used to prepare a quote using method .
In the end you will know the real value of the company you want to evaluate!

Consents required:

Optional consents:

We need to be sure that we are not dealing with a robot. To confirm the identity and storage of data that you entered in in the first step generate the code which will be sent to yours e-mail address, then enter the code received and generate a valuation report.

The entered data has been verified. Please type or paste the code you received via email below to receive the goodwill calculation.