Business entity

Mo-Bruk had PLN 19.6 million in net profit, PLN 23.9 million in EBIT, PLN 25.8 million in EBITDA, and PLN 55.1 million in revenue in the first quarter of 2023. A year ago, Mo-Bruk had PLN 49.6 million in revenue, PLN 24.7 million in EBITDA, PLN 23.3 million in EBIT, and PLN 18.9 million in net profit.

Mo-Bruk's Board of Directors recommended allocating PLN 46.26 million of its 2022 net profit to dividends, which amounts to a payment of PLN 13.7 per share.

During the first quarter of 2023, the group managed nearly 56,200 tons of waste, including 36,200 tons in the solidification and stabilization segment, 14,900 tons in the RDF segment, and 5,100 tons in incineration.

Today we present the valuation of Mo-Bruk, prepared by

The Mo-Bruk Group reports that it is a leader in the Polish industry of processing industrial waste, hazardous waste and selected fractions of municipal waste. Among other things, the company produces alternative fuels from waste, as well as artificial aggregate used in road construction or as reclamation material, among other applications.

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