Monnari Trade SA

Business entity

Monnari Group has released estimates for Q4. According to them, the Group's revenue in Q4 2023 was about PLN 91.9 million, up 0.9 percent year-on-year. Cumulatively, for the whole of 2023, revenues are estimated at PLN 302 million, up 7.3 percent year-on-year.

At the end of December 2023, the group was selling in 218 showrooms, compared to 236 showrooms at the end of 2022 for both brands (Monnari 184 showrooms, Monnari franchise 19 showrooms, Femestage 15 showrooms), together with an online store, with a total area of about 46.5 thousand sq. m. (49.5 thousand sq. m. in 2022), representing a year-on-year decrease in the network's area by about 6 percent and the number of salons by 18.

Today we present the valuation of Monnari Team SA, prepared by

Monnari is a Polish clothing brand with a 25-year tradition. The company has been listed on the stock exchange since 2007.

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