Pepco Group NV

Business entity

According to a press release dated September 28, 2023, Pepco expects underlying EBITDA for FY23 (IFRS 16) to be around €750 million (FY22 EBITDA: €731 million). Expected revenues in August were lower than expected, and deteriorated in September with negative sales growth.

The Group announced immediate and decisive steps to reorient the Group's management structure, recognizing the current poor performance and difficult consumer trends. The Group has also appointed a new Group Executive Committee to conduct a Group-wide strategy review to place greater emphasis on costs and initiatives that can generate adequate returns in the near term, accelerate the transformation into a single company, and refocus on core markets.

Today we present the valuation of Pepco, prepared by

Pepco is a multi-format, pan-European retail chain offering customers a wide range of products from home furnishings to clothing to necessities including groceries and drugstore products. The Group debuted on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 2021.

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