Playway SA

Business entity

Playway has reported its financial results for 2022.

PlayWay reported PLN 112.33 million in consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in 2022, compared to PLN 127.65 million in profit a year earlier, the company said.

Operating profit was PLN 172.64 million, compared to PLN 153.53 million profit a year earlier. EBITDA profit amounted to PLN 174.13 million vs. PLN 154.21 million profit in this terms a year earlier.

The following games were released in Q1 2023, which were well received by players on the Steam platform:

- "Contraband Police," whose producer is Crazy Rocks

- "Simrail," whose producer is SimRail

PlayWay, which debuted on the WSE's main market in 2016, is an incubator of development teams that create computer and mobile games based on in-house ideas and ideas developed at the company's headquarters.

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