
Business entity

Vivid Games net result for August was PLN 0.02 million, and EBITDA cumulatively for eight months reaches PLN 2.7 million. In August, the Company practically completed its arrangement, paying off the last installment for the bonds early.

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Business entity

The Group posted record results in the second quarter. From April to June this year, revenues rose 34% year-on-year to PLN116.8 million, and net profit was PLN19.6 million, an increase of 149% year-on-year. In the six-month period from January to June this year. The Group generated PLN 227.3 million in revenue (+33% y/y), PLN 66.6 million in adjusted EBITDA (+52% y/y). Net profit was PLN 34.0 million (+92% y/y), and net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company was PLN 19.3 million (+58% y/y).

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Business entity

Arctic Paper announced that the Group's shares are included in the Warsaw Stock Exchange's mWIG40 index as of September 1, 2023. The mWIG40 index includes 40 medium-sized companies listed on the WSE's Main Market. Companies in the mWIG40 index are selected on the basis of the same ranking as for the WIG20 as 40 consecutive to the 20 qualified for the WIG20.

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Business entity

XTB is a Polish company that is a globally recognized supplier of financial products and services. In recent days, the company has faced several issues, mainly caused by legislative changes in Spain. These alterations concern the regulations related to marketing activities regarding CFDs.

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Business entity

In the first half of 2023, WITTCHEN S.A. achieved PLN 206.7 million in revenue, up 37% against the PLN 151.1 million in revenue achieved in the first half of 2022. In the second quarter of 2023, the Group achieved PLN 110.6 million, up 27% against the PLN 86.8 million revenue achieved in the second quarter of 2022.

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Business entity

On August 7, WOJAS S.A. announced that the volume of consolidated sales revenues achieved by the WOJAS S.A. in July 2023 amounted to PLN 34,871 thousand and was 66.0% higher than the revenues achieved in July 2022. In January-July 2023, the volume of consolidated sales revenues amounted to PLN 213,380 thousand and was 26.7% higher than the revenues achieved in the same period of the previous year.

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Business entity

August 1, 2023. Grupa Archicom has announced the acquisition of residential development projects, a team of employees and a land bank from Grupa Echo Investment. The General Meetings of Shareholders of both companies approved the merger of the residential business. In exchange for a non-cash contribution in the form of an organized part of the enterprise covering the residential segment, Grupa Echo Investment will acquire 22,825,700 new shares in Grupa Archicom at an issue price of PLN 36.34.

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Business entity

Tencent Holdings, intends to acquire about 67 percent of the shares of game developer Techland.

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Business entity

In Q1 2023, the Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa SA generated sales revenue of PLN 4.5 billion, which was 9.6% lower than in the same period last year. At the same time, JSW recorded a consolidated net profit of PLN 1.3 billion attributable to the shareholders of the parent company in Q1 2023, compared to PLN 1.8 billion in the same period last year.

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Business entity

In Q1 2023, the Sniezka Group generated sales revenues of PLN 201.4 million, which is 6.1% higher than the same period last year. At the same time, Sniezka recorded a consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company of PLN 16.31 million in Q1 2023, compared to a profit of PLN 11.1 million in the previous year.

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